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AI Superpowers for Work-Life Balance Workshop

David Kuo


3-Hours interactive workshop to spark your unlimited possibility to achieve your 10x growth

再次感謝這兩個月從2023年六月到現在八月初,已經在台北/新竹/高雄 舉辦十幾場次超過兩百多人參加的AI工作坊課程。

Once again, we would like to appreciate people who have attended and supported this AI Workshop course since 2023 May with more than 200 participants from Taipei / Hsinchu / Kaoshiung City in Taiwan.

(workshop #009 2023/07/14 週五下午 2PM-5PM)

(workshop #012 2023/07/28 2PM-5PM @TSH)

課程名稱 / Course Name

AI超能力實現工作生活平衡工作坊 / Achieve 10x productivity with AI Tools

課程目標 / Course Objective



In this 3-hour highly interactive AI tool implementation and Q&A workshop, participants will be equipped to boost their productivity tenfold immediately, while discovering unexplored use cases in their professional and personal lives and identifying tangible opportunities to apply in the near future.

課程大綱 / Course Outline

  1. 如何利用AI工具達到工作生活平衡 (Leveraging AI Tools for Work-Life Balance)

  2. AI工具類型介紹及快速展示 (Introduction & Quick Demonstration of AI Tools)

  3. AI趨勢及新商業模式案例介紹 (AI Trends and Case Studies of New Business Models)

  4. ChatGPT四大結構及九大高效益使用場景教學及練習 (Teaching & Practicing 4 Key Structures and 9 High-Efficiency Use Scenarios of ChatGPT)

  5. 數位工作者常用的其他AI工具展示 (Demonstration of Other Frequently Used AI Tools by Digital Workers)

  6. 的未來及新工作生活方式 (Future of AI & New Working & Living Model)

  7. 如何建構自己的超能力 (How to Build Your Superpower)

  8. 回饋及反思時段 (Feedback and Reflection Session)

課程效益 / Course Benefits

  1. 提升生產力:學習如何使用AI工具來大幅提升工作效率與生產力。 (Enhanced Productivity: Learn how to leverage AI tools to significantly boost your work efficiency and productivity.)

  2. 創新思考:通過瞭解AI的未來趨勢,開發創新思考的技巧,並找到新的工作和生活模式。 (Innovative Thinking: Develop innovative thinking skills and discover new work and life models through understanding future AI trends.)

  3. 實際操作體驗:有機會實際操作AI工具,並學習如何在您的日常工作或生活中應用這些工具。 (Hands-on Experience: Gain practical experience with AI tools and learn how to apply them in your daily work or life.)

  4. 個人化學習:根據您的需求和興趣,我們將教您如何定製AI工具。 (Personalized Learning: Learn how to customize AI tools according to your needs and interests.)

  5. 提升競爭力:通過掌握AI的最新知識和技能,將使您在職場上更具競爭力。 (Increased Competitiveness: By mastering the latest AI knowledge and skills, you will become more competitive in the job market.)

客戶介紹 / Customer Intro

  1. Chen Pei-Yu Legislator Office 陳培瑜立委辦公室

    1. FB Page / 粉絲頁:

    2. Sharing / 分享:

  2. DreamLoan 夢想銀號

    1. FB Page / 粉絲頁:

  3. Knock Knock Coffee

目標受眾 / Target Audience

  1. 數位工作者:在多元化和高速變化的數位環境中,如何有效地使用最新的AI工具來提高工作效率,是他們的主要挑戰。本課程將為他們提供實際操作體驗,使他們能夠立即應用在日常工作中。 (Digital Workers: The main challenge they face is how to effectively use the latest AI tools to improve work efficiency in a diverse and rapidly changing digital environment. This course will provide them with hands-on experience that they can apply immediately in their daily work.)

  2. 管理層人員:他們需要掌握AI的最新趨勢,以制定有效的商業策略。本課程將引導他們瞭解AI的未來趨勢及新的商業模式,以便做出明智的決策。 (Management Level Personnel: They need to grasp the latest trends in AI in order to formulate effective business strategies. This course will guide them to understand the future trends of AI and new business models to make wise decisions.)

  3. 創業者及自由職業者:他們在面對緊張的時間壓力和資源限制時,需要找到有效的工具來提升生產力。本課程將教他們如何利用AI工具,快速而有效地完成工作任務,同時達到工作與生活的平衡。 (Entrepreneurs & Freelancers: They need to find effective tools to enhance productivity when facing tight time pressures and resource constraints. This course will teach them how to use AI tools to accomplish work tasks quickly and efficiently, achieving a balance between work and life.)

  4. 高中和大學學生:他們需要學習如何利用AI工具來提高學習效率和產品創新能力。本課程將為他們提供AI工具的實際應用,讓他們可以更好地為未來做好準備。 (High School & University Students: They need to learn how to use AI tools to enhance their learning efficiency and product innovation capability. This course will provide them with practical applications of AI tools, enabling them to be better prepared for the future.)

  5. 家長:他們需要理解AI的影響,以便更好地引導和支持他們的孩子在這個數位化的世界中成長。本課程將為他們提供AI趨勢和新的商業模式的概覽,以助他們更全面地理解AI的應用。 (Parents: They need to understand the impact of AI in order to better guide and support their children's growth in this digital world. This course will provide them with an overview of AI trends and new business models, helping them understand the application of AI more comprehensively.)

  6. 對抗時間壓力和氣喘吁吁感的人們:他們在面對壓力和時間限制時,需要找到高效的工具來提升生產力和創新能力。本課程將教他們如何利用AI工具,快速而有效地完成任務,同時達到工作與生活的平衡。 (People fighting against time and feeling breathless: Those who need to find efficient tools to enhance productivity and innovative capacity when dealing with pressure and time constraints. This course will teach them how to use AI tools to complete tasks quickly and efficiently, achieving a balance between work and life.)

講師介紹 / Instructor Introduction

講師: 郭展榮  一諾新創有限公司執行長&共同創辦人



2023年5月初,David利用LINE OPEN CHAT社群創建了「AI商務及生活應用」LINE群組。他邀請了他在過去20年中在台灣科技半導體業、公部門、新創二代和創新產業服務過的夥伴和客戶。僅在三個月內,他在台北、台中和高雄共舉辦了12場AI工作坊,吸引了250名參與者。他定期與群組中的130多位成員分享他所看過的數百個國外AI工具的報告和教學,並挑戰自己在24小時內撰寫政府補助提案。在六周內,他成功地與樂創媒體合作創建了HexaHorizon數位人才學習平台及社群,並利用AI帶來的10倍效能來驗證新的商業模式。同時,在2023年,他也遍訪了各大城市與不同的單位及業者,邀請大家一起來拼湊台灣第一個#國際數位人才的生態圈地圖。


2022年初,他在國立清華大學獲得了博士候選人資格,並在2000年在全球排名前30的麥吉爾大學獲得碩士學位。此外,他自2011年以來共同組織了18場Startup Weekend活動以及在四年內的七場Pitch Camp活動,他教授了如何在一個週末內驗證一個商業想法的方法,至今已有超過3000名參與者。在2023年2月,他以推薦講師的身份在清華大學科技管理學院的國際學士學程,透過18週的全英語教學,幫助亞洲的國際學生實踐數位經濟新創事業的創新提案及突破傳統創新的思維。



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