Introduction to the Talk: How to start a movement in 3 minutes
In this TED Talk, Derek Sivers explores the dynamics of leadership and movement formation, revealing common misconceptions about what leadership truly entails. Using a simple dance activity, he demonstrates how a movement can be initiated in just three minutes.
在這個TED Talk中,Derek Sivers探討了領導力和運動形成的動力學,揭示了關於領導力真正含義的常見誤解。他使用一個簡單的舞蹈活動來示範如何在短短三分鐘內發起一個運動。
Why Building a Movement Matters to Entrepreneurs
Establishing a movement is pivotal for founders of startups since it generates a compelling force that encourages adoption and endorsement of their product or service. This movement nurtures a profound connection and a sense of unity among early adopters, increasing the likelihood of them becoming fervent supporters of the startup. These initial supporters play a vital role in affirming the startup's vision and propelling its development forward.
Investors and resource providers often gauge the robustness of a startup by assessing the strength and vitality of its community, which is cultivated through the efforts of building a movement. Some even posit that the primary role of startup founders is to initiate and steer a new movement, utilizing their product/service and business model as tools to engage with and create meaningful impacts for their community.
Key Takeaways on Leadership & Building a Movement
Sivers emphasizes that leaders sometimes take unconventional actions, even if they are difficult for others to understand. In these situations, the true leaders are actually the first few followers who embrace the imperfect idea. Traditional leadership training often overlooks the acknowledgment of these early followers, another form of leadership.
My Personal Reflections and Insights
I realized that I have neglected those who are braver than the outspoken first leader in the past. Often, those who follow a potential movement may need to do more explanation than the first dancer. Simultaneously, Y Combinator, the renowned startup accelerator, teaches us to distinguish between people who like our product and those who love it at the early stages. Those who truly love our product embrace its imperfections and unconditionally promote it.
我意識到我在過去忽略了那些比第一位大聲疾呼的領導者更勇敢的人。通常,那些跟隨潛在運動的人可能需要比第一位跳舞的人做更多的解釋。同時,著名的初創企業加速器Y Combinator教導我們在初期階段區分喜歡我們產品的人和愛我們產品的人。真正愛我們產品的人會擁抱它的不完美並無條件地推廣它。
Possible Changes and Take Aways
We should acknowledge and cherish those who first embrace our imperfect ideas, recognizing their critical role in forming a movement. Moreover, we should learn to differentiate the true supporters from the mere bystanders.
How it has changed the way I lead and do things
This reflection has opened my eyes to the true dynamics of leadership and movement formation. We must value those who embrace our imperfect ideas and recognize their vital role in initiating change as possible "under-estimated" true leader and actually are the ones that ignite the actual movement. Without these true leaders, we would simply be viewed as crazy lonely one that continue dancing on our own.